Keyword(s) | What it does | Snippet |
var | declares variables | var nish: int;var m := 5; inferred type var i: int, j: nat;var x, y, z: bool := 1, 2, true; |
:= | assignment | z := false;x, y := x+y, x-y; /* parallel assignment */ |
if..else | conditional statement | if z { x := x + 1; } /* braces are* / else{ y := y - 1; } /* mandatory */ |
if..then..else | conditional expression | m := if x < y then x else y; |
while forall | loops | while x > y { x := x - y; } forall i | 0 <= i < m { Foo(i); } |
method returns | subroutines | /* Without a return value*/ method Hello() { print “Hello Dafny”; } /*With a return value */ method Norm2(x: real, y: real) returns (z: real) /* return values */ { /* must be named */ z := x * x + y * y;}/* Multiple return values */ method Prod(x: int) returns(dbl: int, trpl: int){ dbl, trpl := x * 2, x * 3; } |
class | object classes | class Point /* classes contain */{ /* variables and methods */ var x: real, y: real method Dist2(that: Point) returns (z: real) requires that != null { z := Norm2(x - that.x, y - that.y); }} |
array | typed arrays | var a := new bool[2];a[0], a[1] := true, false;method Find(a: array<int>, v: int) returns (index: int) |
# Specification
Keyword(s) | What it does | Snippet |
requires | precondition | method Rot90(p: Point) returns (q: Point) requires p != null{ q := new Point; q.x, q.y := -p.y, p.x; } |
ensures | postcondition | method max(a: nat, b: nat) returns (m: nat) ensures m >= a /* can have as many */ ensures m >= b /* as you like */{ if a > b { m := a; } else { m := b; } } |
assert assume | inline propositions | assume x > 1;assert 2 * x + x / x > 3; |
! && || ==> <== <==> | logical connectives | assume (z || !z) && x > y;assert j < a.Length ==> a[j]*a[j] >= 0;assert !(a && b) <==> !a || !b; |
forall exists | logical quantifiers | assume forall n: nat :: n >= 0; assert forall k :: k + 1 > k; /* inferred k:int */ |
function predicate | pure definitions | function min(a: nat, b: nat): nat{ /* body must be an expression */ if a < b then a else b }predicate win(a: array<int>, j: int) requires a != null{ /* just like function(...): bool */ 0 <= j < a.Length } |
modifies | framing (for methods) | method Reverse(a: array<int>) /* not allowed to */ modifies a /* assign to “a” otherwise */ |
reads | framing (for functions) | predicate Sorted(a: array<int>) /* not allowed to */ reads a /* refer to “a[_]” otherwise */ |
invariant | loop invariants | i := 0;while i < a.Length invariant 0 <= i <= a.Length invariant forall k :: 0 <= k < i ==> a[k] == 0{ a[i], i := 0, i + 1; } assert forall k :: 0 <= k < a.Length ==> a[k] == 0; |
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上次更新: 2022/03/26, 19:35:15